Parce que mieux vaut tard que jamais… Voici les 100 meilleurs tutoriels pour l’année 2010 sélectionnés par Ellen de Évidemment ils sont tous en anglais… Désolée pour les non anglophones.

Je trouve ça génial, c’est vrai il y a tellement de tutos sur le net que c’est la jungle… Là on est sûr de tomber sur un tutoriel relativement bien fait et pensé.

J’ai bien envie de tenter le tutos du Blossom Handbag d’Amy Butler pour Sew, Mama, Sew! (en photo en dessous), j’ai déjà un tissu en tête.

Je n’ai pas encore eu le temps d’aller voir tous ces tutoriels gratuits, mais je suis sûre qu’il y a plein de perles !

Vous trouverez les liens des tutos 2010 ci-dessous et comme mieux vaut très très tard que jamais jamais vous pouvez également consulter les 100 meilleurs tutos de 2008 et de 2009 toujours d’après Ellen.

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Les tutos correspondant aux images sont indiqués par une * dans la liste

Tutos Déco – Maison
PomPom Pillow from Living with Punks.
Dip-Dye Lamp and Pillow from Design Sponge.
Simple Pillowcases from Made.
Lazy Daisy Pillowcases from The Long Thread.
Felt Flower Pillows from The Purl Bee.
Stenciled and Stitched Pillow from Artsy Crafty Babe.*
5-Minute Pillows from Grosgrain.
Floor Pillow from Living with Punks.
Cute as a Button Pincushion from Ravenhill.
Matryoshka Doll Pincushion from Maximum Rabbit.
Placemats from Handmade by Alissa.
Modern Placemats from Maggie Makes.
Quilted Placemats from Pink Penguin.
Paper Flower Pomanders from House of Smiths.
Dinner Date Quilt Block Tutorial from Film in the Fridge.
Tokyo Subway Map Quilt-along from Oh, Fransson!*
Knotted Bedspread from kojodesigns.
Eco Travel Lid from Alyson Hill.
Storage Basket from Jezze Prints.
Knitting/Sewing Basket from The Sometimes Crafter.
Jam Jar Cozies from Dottie Angel.
Ribbon Vase Sleeve from The Long Thread.*
Yarn-Wrapped Hangers from Wisecraft.
IKEA Window Shade Hack from Evil Mad Scientist.
Pouf Footstool from Design Sponge.*
Fabric Prints with Tape from How about Orange.
Silverware Garden Markers from Bunnyhill Designs.
Apron Tutorial from Ink and Spindle for the Crafts Dept.
Anthropologie Tea Towel from Lavender Kitty.
Polaroid Magnet Frame from Paper n Stitch.
Pretty Twist Ties from Zakka Life.
Recycled Paper Flowers from Maya Made.
Yarn Pendant Lamp from Pickles.
Felt Scraps Rug from the Crafts Dept.
Fabric Paper Tape from Annekata.
Little Urchin Sea Stone from Resurrection Fern for The Purl Bee.*
Doily Lights from Kootoyoo.
Paper Owl from mmmcrafts for Skip to my Lou.
Matchbook Notepads from Daisy Janie.
Plantable Paper from Alpha Mom.

Tutos Enfants et bébés
Skirt with Built-In Shorts from The Long Thread.
Custom Pet Tee from The Long Thread.
Lunch Bag from The Long Thread.
Castle Peeps Playset from Deborah of Whipstitch Fabrics.
Felt Letters from Made by Rae.
Diaper Bag from Warehouse Fabrics.
Storytime Squares Quilt from Made by Rae.
Contoured Burp Cloth from Cloud 9 Fabrics.
Library Tote from Noodleheads.
Rainbow Bunting Baby Quilt from A Pretty Cool Life for Luv in the Mommyhood.
Not Too Tutu Tutorial from UK Lass in US.
Let’s Go Backpack from Four Wise Monkeys for Sew, Mama, Sew!
Paper Puppet Theater from Bloesem Kids.
Snack Bags from Amy Karol of Angry Chicken.
Picture Perfect Bunny Patch Frame from Kata Golda for Etsy’s How-Tuesday.*
Art Notebook from How Does She?
Kids’ Drawing Case from The Long Thread.
Nap Mat/Roll from Prudent Baby.

Tutos Jouets et doudous
Recycled Glove Chipmunk from Miyako Kanamori for Etsy’s How-Tuesday.
Mermaid from Hillary Lang for Martha Stewart.
Counting Bean Bags from Chez Beeper Bebe.
Gnomes from Gingercake.
Fabric Nesting Dolls from Joel Henriques for Etsy’s How-Tuesday.
Plush Seahorse from Liaspace.
Turtles from Jodie of Vintage RicRac for Whip Up.

Tutos Sacs et accessoires
Blossom Handbag from Amy Butler for Sew, Mama, Sew!*
Gathered Clutch from Noodlehead.
For Pleat’s Sake Purse from u-handbag.
Patchwork Wristlet from Pink Penguin.
Pleated Pouch from Skip to my Lou.
Catch and Release Scarf from Presser Foot.
Quick Fix Grocery Bag from Between the Lines.
Lunch Money Pinch Frame Pouch from I Heart Linen for Petite Purls.
Patchwork Pencil Pouch from Little Big Girl Studio.
Etch-a-Sketch iPad Cozy from Smashed Potatoes.
iPad Case from Made by Heidi.
Pencil Case from ikat bag for Sew, Mama, Sew!
Fabric Flower Ring from V & Co.
Felt Dahlia Brooch from Not Martha for Holidash.
Tiny Tote Keychain from Kelly Rachel.

Tutos Fêtes (Noël, Halloween,…)
Japanese-inspired Valentine’s Day Cards from Danielle Thompson.
Recycled Crayon Hearts and Printable Cards from The Long Thread.
Polymer Clay Hearts from Art Mind for Poppytalk.
Something Special Card and Envelope from JCasa Handmade for Sew, Mama, Sew!
Bunny Finger Puppets from The Purl Bee.
Peeps Bunny Bunting from Dana of Made for V & Co.
Chocolate Easter Surprise Eggs from Not Martha.
Pumpkin Pincushion, featured on Whip Up.*
Candy Corn Wreath from Woman’s Day.
Cross Stitched Pumpkin from Elsie Marley.
Reusable Gift Bag from The Long Thread.
Shrinky Dink Snowflake Necklace from The Long Thread.
Itty Bitty Ice Cream Ornament from Betz White.
Gingerbread House Ornament (excerpt from the book Fa La La La Felt by Lark Books).
Felt Ball Garland from Oh Happy Day.*
Straw and Pompom Garland from Elsie Marley.
Stocking Patterns from Denyse Schmidt.
Yarn Ball and Ornament Wreath from Life Through the Lens.
Plastic Canvas Gingerbread House Ornament from CraftyPod.
Printable Gift Tags from Camilla Engman.


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